Sunday, May 11, 2014

Curb Appeal Complete....for this year

Finally! It only took us 7 months to complete but we're done for this year.

List of curb appeal items we had to complete:
- Widen Driveway
- New Walkway
- New Exterior Lights
- New Sod
- Pull Out All of the Plants
- Replant Plants
- Paint Shutters Black and Door Red

This is what is was like when we bought it:

Here are the following stages:
Took out the bushes
Laid down the concrete foundation of the new walkway
Laid new brick walkway
Replaced outside lights
Removed and replaced porch light
When it was all said and done, we ended up with something like this:

Before and After:

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Finishing Up Things We Started

Back in October of 2013, we decided that the curb appeal of our home was a jungle. We really wanted to clean it up by taking out all of the over grown plants and redo our walkway.

Fast forward to April of 2014 and we took out our walkway and most of the plants but we didn't finish it. For over 6 months, we had no step to our stoop and a big concrete slab as our walkway.

This was something we did NOT do ourselves since I'm no mason (although I did graduate from George Mason). Since we did not do it, I cannot tell you how to do it yourself, but I can tell you its a very tedious job.

It takes patience and more patience to make sure every brick is the right size and level; however, once it was all done, we couldn't have asked for better results.

Hope you feel the same way we do about our new walkway.

6 Months of This