Sunday, November 10, 2013

Yard Crashers

"It's what's inside that counts."

That has been our mindset/mantra since we purchased our home less than 6 months ago. We painted, trimmed, and rejuvenated the inside of this house. We spent countless hours and money on new furniture, removing wallpaper, installing new toilets, faucets, water heater, etc.

I think we have done a good job so far with the inside, but there is something to be said about not only being beautiful inside but its also on the outside that counts. Call me superficial, but I don't want to be the ugliest house on the block. I want our house to be beautiful both inside and out!

Tip: Don't troll Home Depot and Lowes for Yard Crashers to show up and do your entire house in 3's a waste of time.

This was our house according to Google maps prior to us moving in:

Overgrown plants and Green Shutters
MRIS Listing Photo
Our list of items to fix:
- Widen driveway
- Remove overgrown plants
- Redo walkway
- Paint shutters and front door

A tall order given we had just finished with the interior of the house. We contracted out the work for our driveway and walkway; however, you get what you pay for and this contractor took 1 month to lay down concrete and incorrectly widen the driveway. Having said that, we are 50% there and just need to get another contractor to do the brick and asphalt work.

Front Porch

Laying Down the Concrete

Leveling Out
The next part was for us to repaint those horrible green shutters!

Painting these are very simple to do, but before you begin painting be sure you have paintable shutters. Most shutters today are non-paintable shutters. The pros for these? Never have to paint because they will never fade. The con? You can't repaint.

I only found this out because a storm had broken a couple shutters and we needed to replace them.

We still have the door to paint. Seems to be a power struggle in the home because I want it black while the wife wants it red.

So out of our list, we still have a ways to go but wanted to provide an update as we move forward.

Hope this helps you take that first step into a major over haul. Not everything can be done in a weekend (even if HGTV makes it look like it does).